Support local business.
“Local business is the lifeblood of your community.
Entrepreneurs walk through the unrelenting fire of unknown, with substantial skin in the game, subjecting themselves to risk & stress, 365 days a year, all to make your community a better place.
Support local business.”
-Ray Zingler on X

If you really think about it, the concept of entrepreneurship is crazy.
You essentially subject yourself to a stressful, expensive, unpredictable lifestyle where you work your ass off every single day.
I’m talking ball busting work on Christmas.
All in a country (if you live in America) that’s government asks you to fight the (unending) punches that come your way everyday with one arm behind your back and (some) consumers’ who will pay full price at a global conglomerate, but want a discount from you.
That’s right.
Screw your kids soccer team fees, but hell yes to a faceless investment banking group comprised of folks who live hundreds of miles away vacation homes. Mind you, the same investment groups that are buying all the homes in your area, increasing your daily living expenses, lowering your quality of life. #Merica
Still want to be an entrepreneur? Go get ‘em cowboy!
Is it any wonder why most are not entrepreneurs and most who try to become them, fail?
Of course not.
It’s because most people are sane and entrepreneurship statistically shouldn’t work. Its math.
But why do we do it?
Why not go with a safer job with far less stress and far more predictability?
We can’t.
There is something in the entrepreneurs’ bones that won’t let them.
The magnetic pull towards creation and service is too strong.
Despite living in an Amazon, be here in 2 days world, small business is still the lifeblood of your community.
This is true whether you believe it or support small business, personally.
Don’t believe me?
Go knock on Amazon’s door and ask them to sponsor your kids ball team.
On top of tangibly making your community a better place (in unlimited ways) the quality you receive from small businesses (that have stood the test of time) is going to be substantially higher.
From customer service to product delivery.
Why is this?
Because it literally must be.
As a SBO, if you don’t deliver service and a quality, you don’t exist. You’re dead.
Hell, even if you do, you still might not exist.
If you want to make your community a better place, support the people in your community, who risk it all, to make your community a better place.