Groupthink Leads To The Death Of Originality, Creativity, & Personal Responsibility.

In order to be a difference maker, though, you have to go against the "politically correct" grain.

In order to be a difference maker, though, you have to go against the “politically correct” grain.

“Groupthink leads to the death of originality, creativity, & personal responsibility.

But we subject out kids to it every day because it’s ‘safe’.

Ships are safe in the harbor, but that’s what what ships were built for.

Difference makers are required to go against the grain.”

-Ray Zingler on X

People will talk all day long about how we need “change” & how the status quo is nonsense.

But when it comes to taking not convenient action, but a commitment of one’s daily life to heading the “change they desire to see in the world” (remember the poster on your teacher’s wall) they are nowhere to be found.

Outside of Facebook, complaining and trying to convince you that their ideology or political candidate is “best”. Thanks for your service to Meta, Jim. Keep crushing, boom… *brother.

The funny part about those people who always complain and talk about change is that they are often the biggest proponents of “the way things are”.

They are as accepting of the status quo as the person who stays stone silent.

It’s because words are cheap, and absence of action is cowardice.

If you’re going to say it from your chest, you have to bring it from your shoes. If you don’t, your words are just noise.

But the reason many people don’t take daily action is A) because it’s hard to give relentless effort everyday but also B) a desire to be politically correct.

And yes, I say desire because even if you think “political correctness is bullshit” yet you still contour your behavior and actions (well, lack of actions) towards what is societally “acceptable” you’re voting for political correctness. You’re merely a pawn in the game they’ve created and segued you into playing.

Dangle the carrot to keep them in line. It’s that easy.

But is this practice of following and acting like the crowd the best practice to breed and create original thinkers? Trail blazers? Innovators?

Is “blending in” going to encourage discipline, extreme ownership, and the act of taking personal responsibility for everything in their lives?

Hell no. When you blend you can blame.

And is there a bigger loser action than the act of blaming?

To be a difference maker, it’s not a good idea to go against the “publicly acceptable” grain, it’s a requirement.

You have to stick your neck out there and KEEP skin in the game.

Of course, it will come with criticism and judgement, but the majority of that criticism and judgement will come from those who don’t have the stones to sail into rough waters.

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