Forever Students Are The Most Valuable People

If you stop learning you reduce your impact potential by default.

If you stop learning you reduce your impact potential by default.

“ ‘If you limit your knowledge, you limit your abilities, if you limit your abilities, you limit the development of your athletes… and what’s your job?’

-Buddy Morris

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Oh yeah, that coming from a Coach who has reached and sustained the pinnacle of the field for over 4 decades.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

Break that quote down. You don’t have to be a scholar or a coach, either.

“If you limit your knowledge, you limit your abilities.”

Essentially what you’re doing by not reading, studying, trying, erring, & correcting is putting a self-imposed growth tax on yourself.

You’re literally hamstringing your value (to yourself and the world) from the start. You’re inhibiting your ability to be of maximized value.

“If you limit your abilities, you limit the development of your athletes (people).”

By intentionally limiting your abilities (by not actively practicing increasing your knowledge) not only are you underserving yourself, you are underserving others around you.

If you want to be bum and it only affects you, fine. Be a bum.

But if you’re in a position where others’ growth depends on YOUR growth and your limiting your knowledge, abilities, and development of people..

You’re an asshole.

You have no business whatsoever holding a leadership position (doctor, coach, teacher, manager, team leader, etc.) because if you’re not growing, you’re stealing from their opportunity to grow.

Theft (a crime) and leadership do not mix.

“What’s your job?”

I’ll refer back to the initial lines of the quote:

“If you limit your knowledge, you limit your abilities.”

Well guess what, if you do that, you literally cannot do your job (well).

Sure you can stand there and rest on your laurels of your appointed position and collect your check for exchanging your time for dollars, but are you really doing your job? Are you really maximizing others’ growth potential?

Hell no you’re not.

This quote is coming from one of the most impactful men not only in my own life, but in my entire industry.

Buddy Morris (Current Director of Physical Preparation for the Arizona Cardinals, 2021 NFL Strength Coach of the Year) has reached and sustained the pinnacle of our field for longer than these idiotic 24-year-old FitFluenceres have been alive.

And if you were to ask that man “what he is” he would tell above all else that he is a student.

If those at the top are still starving for growth that can only be nourished through continued evolvement and learning, you bet your ass you (and I) should be too.

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