Feed Who Is At The Table

Give them your dead level best, too.

Give them your dead level best, too.

“The masses aren’t going to give you a shot & that’s okay. It’s actually a good thing.

But, if you get a few kids who do, a few families who do believe in you, you pour into them with every damn fiber of your being.

Don’t worry about who’s not at the table.

Feed who is.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

The Private Sector field of Strength & Conditioning has taught me a lot, like any service-based business would.

Unlike the public sector (which is still valuable) we aren’t appointed kids to work with. We don’t just show up and have them fall into our class periods. We can’t act how we want, miss days, and rest on laurels because they are “forced to come anyway.”

If we do that, we lose the ability to service our family’s primary needs. We literally lose resources that contribute to quality of our lives. We have a LOT of skin in the game.

Do you know how hard it is to earn and sustain a client? It’s one of the most difficult, effort requiring ordeals out there. I am thankful for it, too.

Because everything on our side of the fence has to be earned, it forces us to bring our best every day. It forces us to continually learn, grow, and provide an unmatched quality service.

Again, we can’t just grab a substitute or check out on our phones. Ever.

But here’s the fact of the matter:

Despite often being better equipped, with often better resources, and better logistics, that allows us (really forces us) to offer a better, customized, high-quality experience, MOST still won’t give us a chance.

The reasons range from not understanding the importance of real, quality training to “I’m too busy” and everywhere in between.

This used to aggravate me.

“How can we do so much, and offer such a high-quality service that not only helps athletic performance, but more importantly invests in kids as people to help them mentally and physically prepare for life beyond sport and still ‘most’ not get it?”

But I learned this is the way of the world. This is how it’s supposed to be.

Here’s what I also know.

If you have integrity, know what you’re doing, and have a heart on fire, hell bent to serve others and you earn a few people to serve. 10 or 210, you serve the absolute hell out of them.

You pour into them with every single fiber of your being, every single day.

There is no greater responsibility than to pour into those who have entrusted themselves to you. None.

Feed who is at the table.

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