Don't Give Back. Just Give.

Giving is never about the back end. It's always about the front end.

Giving is never about the back end. It’s always about the front end.

“‘I just want to give back!’

Forget that. Just give.

If you need something on the front end to entice you to give on the back end, you missed the whole point. You already lost.

Give to be generous. Give to lighten their burden. Give because it’s the right thing to do.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

When I first started out in business, I was philanthropic, I always have been and I always will be.

And it’s not because I’m holier than thou either, it’s because I truly believe the Lord placed the spiritual gift of giving upon my heart. It’s all Him and very little of me if I’m being honest.

So honest in fact that admittedly when I first started giving, it always came with a stipulation.

“How can this benefit me?”

“Will ‘giving back’ to this cause give me more in the future?”

I learned that this ‘giving with a caveat’ mindset was the purest loser mindset I could possibly have.

I was only going to give ‘X’ to ‘Y’ cause if somebody or something had already done something for me or there was something to receive on the back end?

Yet, I am a sinner deserving of hell and the God I serve, without any requirement from me, purchased my salvation with His pulse?

And I need to “run the logistics” to “see how much I can justify giving?”

“Well, I’d like to sponsor that team, but I just don’t know what the ROI is on it, I don’t know if I’ll pull enough clients from them to merit the sponsorship..”

Bullshit. Not anymore.

While I am no financial guru and do believe in the good stewardship of resources, I will never in my life give back or give because. I will always just give.

One of my favorite Pastors, probably a decade ago, said this quote and it’s stuck with me every sense. It changed my entire perspective on giving unconditionally.

He said, “I’ve known many a man who have gone broke trying to accumulate and acquire it all, yet in all my life I’ve never met or heard of a single man who went broke because he gave too much.”

It doesn’t happen.

Matthew 6:26 says: “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?”

Don’t give because of the potential on the back end.

Give because it’s the right thing to do on the front end.

Unconditional Generosity >.

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