Here’s why investing in a professional fitness mentor is the best investment you can ever make for your kids.
“You know what’s more important than minutes on varsity, playing in college, GPAs, or the latest fashion trends?
Nurturing kids into a positive relationship with health & fitness.
There isn’t a better investment you can make for your child than a professional fitness mentor.”
-Ray Zingler on X

Get to the brass tacks of it.
Does it really matter how many minutes they do or don’t get on the varsity squad? In the very literal moment, maybe. But even then, it’s a maybe. 3 months from now, it does not matter at all.
“Playing in college”. Does it matter? If you want to play in college it does and if you don’t want to, it doesn’t. The second you graduate college (unless you’re in the .01%) it doesn’t matter at all if you played in college or not.
Does their GPA really matter? GPA’s are comparison contests for adults at dinner functions to brag about “how well their kids are doing” as if GPA has anything to do with it. Do well in school, go to college if that’s your thing, (be sure you can tangibly defend why it makes sense to) but to think a kids HS GPA has anything to do with future quality of life is pure insanity.
We care about all the superficial stuff, what shoes are in, the short length style, and designer shirts and dresses, but will any of that stuff add one quality hour to a child’s healthspan? Ask yourself what you spend more on, their clothes or their health and wellness literacy.
Remember, we vote for our priorities with what we spend our dollars on.
At the end of the day, the most important thing all of us have is our health.
While I understand there are folks out there with uncontrollable health circumstances, many of us have the choice to improve it.
And if health is the most critical construct of them all (2nd place isn’t close) would it not behoove us to place a MASSIVE emphasis on the notion from an early age?
Care about varsity, care about playing in college, care about GPA’s, care about fashion trends, but recognize this, nothing and I mean NOTHING is more important than an impressionable adolescent developing a positive relationship with health and fitness.
And the best way to nurture this relationship is with a certified fitness professional who deeply cares about their well-being.
Making an investment in their health & fitness is without question the greatest, life altering investment you can ever make in them.