If you’re not regularly making calculated decisions focused on your evolvement, you’re dying.
“Complacency kills.
This is true for personal growth, business, education, and your favorite sports teams.
If you’re not regularly making calculated decisions focused on your evolvement, you’re dying.
Even if you don’t immediately feel it.
Just ask Blockbuster.“
-Ray Zingler on X

Entrepreneurship is how I feed my family.
If I don’t produce. They don’t eat. Period.
The quality of their lives hinges not only on my efforts, but my continued evolvement.
Anybody can give effort. Effort is easy.
Where it gets challenging is understanding the importance of quality, meaningful effort.
And in order to give quality, meaningful effort you have to continually evolve not only your product or service, but yourself, personally.
It’s because the world is always going to actively work against you and try to destroy you.
There is no entrepreneur who is immune to hardship. Not one.
The best entrepreneurs don’t have the easiest paths, not in the slightest. They are simply the hardest, most resilient MFers out there.
They don’t quit. For anything. They’ll drink blood with a smile on their face if they have too.
There are plenty of great products out there created by smart people, but still, the overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs fail.
They fail to evolve.
The greatest gift of entrepreneurship is that it forces you to grow.
If you actively choose not to grow, you die.
You don’t get to be an entrepreneur anymore.
That’s how it works.
Complacency not only kills entrepreneurs every day, but big businesses, educational institutions, and your favorite sports teams just the same.
If you want to chance you must evolve every single day.
Pick a strategic area.
Work on it. Get better. Grow.
Then go directly into another area.
Work on it. Get better. Grow.
“When I get through this, I’ll be able to rest.”
No, you won’t.
There is the next thing.
And then the next thing. And the next thing. And the next thing.
The key is to accept the fact that there is always going to be something.
And that you never get to let off.
So, choosing permanent commitment to evolvement is always going to be your best choice.
It can seem like a revolving door of a process and that’s because it is.
I don’t care who you are, what you do, or about the resources you have.
Nothing is forever and the second you think, “you’re good” the universe is right there, salivating at the mouth to destroy you.
Evolve or die.
Choose wisely.