The quality of your future & potential hinges on it.
“Choose who you associate with (and who is impacting your kids) wisely.
Stay away from bums who aren’t growing or are accepting of the status quo.
Associating in any way with these detractors will inevitably rub off on you, or worse, your kids.
Seek the growth oriented.”

-Ray Zingler on X
With each passing year, the world gets crazier and crazier, and the more I look at it from a young father of 3’s perspective, I understand now, more than I ever have, the importance of having quality people in your life.
I grew up in the 90’s, when the world was way less fu*cked than it is now and, still, my parents positioning great people in my life played and continues to play a monumental role in my life today.
Fast forward 20 years into the social media era, where we’ve compromised truth & ethics, to be accepting of everything under the sun, our kids today literally don’t know right from wrong. Their moral compass is being guided by someone lying to them on the internet. Someone who is making money off them by leveraging their attention.
At the end of the day, there are more duds and average people out there than there are great ones, and I firmly believe associating with, in any capacity, duds or average people has a larger net negative affect on people than the positive affect of associating with high quality people does.
So not only do you have to work to get around and within the circles of great people, you must avoid the bums, too.
My wife and I regularly talk about our children who are growing up in this broken world and where our focus needs to be with them as they get older.
We’re not looking for “good school’s” we’re looking for GREAT people.
Great people who are going to invest in their growth & well-being.
Do you know how many bums are at “good school’s”?
Anybody can learn to teach them arithmetic. Even their smartphones that will eventually live in their pockets.
(Remember when the teachers used to tell you that you’d never have a calculator in your pocket? You now have unlimited and direct access to ivy league lectures, that come standard with your $39/month phone bill.)
Not everybody has a great moral compass.
There has never been a more important time in human history to get yourself and especially your kids, around and influenced by high quality people.
Small circles. Tight ships.
They aren’t the most popular..
But they’re the best.
Seek great ones.