Boldness Shifts Tides.

But too many are afraid to call spades, spades in fear of societal repercussions.

But too many are afraid to call spades, spades in fear of societal repercussions.

“If things are wrong, but accepted because ‘that’s just the way things are these days’ and you’re not actively working to shift the tide, you’re actually contributing to the problem.

Put your foot in the ground.

Be bold.

Stand up for what is right.

It’s our only shot.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

This goes for everything from youth sports to the indoctrination of our kids and everywhere in between.

We live in a world that is trying to teach us to be accepting of everything under the sun regardless of religious, ethical, or moral code.

“Just let it slide or you’ll get canceled..” is all the pressure that most people need in order to keep quiet and let things keep on keeping on the way they are.

Just take a look at world and see how well the ‘let it slide’ practice has worked out for our society.

In case you live under a rock, I’m here to inform you that the tactic has failed us and especially our kids, miserably.

What is it going to take to shift the tide?

The answer is simple, it’s just not easy.

The answer is a collective, vocal, group effort of upstanding adults who are willing to put their feet in the ground and finally say enough is enough.

It’s going to take real leaders standing up for what is actually right, even at the expense of societal judgement and repercussions.

Because see what happens when we don’t stand up for or vocalize what is actually right and we just let those lost treasures of morals and ethics slip by the way side, not only do we not get them back, we’re actually outwardly casting a vote for them to be even further removed from our lives.

Silence is always a vote for the opposition.

You can disagree with ‘x’ all you want behind closed doors, but if you don’t actually come out of the comforts of privacy to call spades spades and jacks jacks, you’re casting a vote for the other team.

And that is what so many do.

So many know all of this stuff is bullshit, but they don’t say anything because of political reasons.

They’re afraid because it might cost them something, a job, status, etc.

But is that freedom?

Is being a pawn in a broken society really what people in this country died for?

I thought it was land of the free, home of the brave?

Or does go out the window when trying to tip toe around the (anti) “progressives”?

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