You have to be calculated in the micro, to make a tangible difference in the macro.
“Most coach’s focus on the game.
Great coaches focus on the game within the game.
They live in the micro, but are focused on the macro.
‘How can I positively reach them today, but ensure my counsel continues to compound for them for many tomorrow’s?”
That’s the real game.
-Ray Zingler on X

“Focus on the big picture!”
You hear it all the time and I largely believe it to be good advice, but I do believe it comes with a caveat.
To focus on the big picture without just saying the cute catch phrase, you must live and lead with crazy intentionality in the small picture. The day-to-day.
How can I tailor my behavior to be impactful today, but ensure my counsel has legs to be able to carry them through tomorrow?
And more importantly, many tomorrow’s beyond tomorrow.
That’s the focus I try to have before I embark in any interaction I have with kids.
And I have dozens of interactions every single day with mentees.
While I am not always perfect, I am very intentional with every interaction.
The reason is because it’s never that “one time” that makes a difference.
It’s the series of interactions that compound over time that make the difference.
Are some interactions more serious? Do some bear more tangible fruit?
Of course.
But here’s the deal, it’s those seemingly light interactions that set the table.
Those little interactions are where they start to trust you, feel safe, and become comfortable.
They are the essential interactions that purchase your ability to get off the surface with them.
Kids don’t give themselves away. And they shouldn’t.
It isn’t their job to be open with you.
It’s your job to provide an environment where they feel comfortable so that you can earn a foothold in their life.
“Sheesh, that seems one sided!”
Your damn right it is.
It’s the coach’s duty and moral obligation to practice unrelenting selflessness to serve them.
And this is precisely why so many coaches are average at best, and why most live in the unsatisfactory category.
It’s because it’s hard.
It takes time.
And I don’t mean a few hours.
I mean your entire life.
The only way you can be a great coach and I mean damn great coach is if you commit your life to the responsibility.
If you think coaching is a job, you’ve already lost.
Behave in a way today that will serve them tomorrow.
If you’re unwilling to do that, every single day, just stay out of there way.