You’ll very quickly be able to differiniate the pros from the bros.
“The sports performance industry is littered with wannabes who don’t have the knowledge or capacity to fulfill what they claim to be able to.
The reason they get away with it?
Lack of consumer accountability.
Perceptions intensify blind spots.
Vet coaches HARD.
It matters.”
-Ray Zingler on X

Here’s how it works in the training industry for those who lack integrity, qualification, and personal accountability.
“If I know you don’t know and I know that you’re not going to question me, much less do any research or verification, I’m simply going to fulfill what is easiest to fulfill.”
Think about it, it’s the path of least resistance.
Low friction (cost, equipment, space, education), High reward (ability to charge egregious prices because people will pay.)
Do you know why there are a million speed & agility trainers and few science-backed, developmentally sound, professional youth performance coaches?
Think about it.
Any former D2 athlete who doesn’t know what to do with his life, but liked sports, can run to a box store, spend less than the cost of the cheapest comforter at Wal-Mart and become a speed & agility coach RIGHT NOW.
A 2-year associates degree that has nothing to do with exercise science. Who cares.
Qualification Schmollification, “Don’t matter, breh..”
Take your gadgets to any local patch of turf or grass and you’re ready to grind.
You can even get a videographer to come out and video your drills, while you caption your videos, “we different ‘round here” as you perform the same worthless drills that don’t transfer to sport as every other wannabe.
Where on the other hand, if you wanted to become a sound performance coach.. Yeah that COSTS. A lot.
If you want to be a facility owner, you’re talking about hundreds of thousands dollars (and always growing) of capital, on top of the stress of owning a business.
If you don’t want to be a facility owner, it still costs in the form of certification, unending continuing education, and immense time spent learning, and evolving your understanding of physiology, biomechanics, athlete psychology, and etc.
Any guesses why most just go to Dicks and grab some cones and preach the “slow feet don’t eat” mantra?
Vet your kids coaches HARD.
Ask tough questions.
Ask for proof of concept.
Ask how they can be positive what they’re doing makes sense for your kid and where he’s at developmentally.
Ask him why other methods don’t work better.
You’ll quickly be able to differentiate the pros from the bros with gleaming blind spots.