Don’t let the people who’ve sold you on the poison, sell you the “cure”, too.
“A prospective client asked me if we do ‘arm care’ for baseball players.
I explained it’s been heavily prioritized for the last 5,651 days in a row. Since I opened the gym.
Arm care isn’t a 6-week upsell program for coaches who’ve abused arms to make short money during their dead period.”
-Ray Zingler on X

Wait, so after he’s irresponsibly abused arms for the last year he wants to sell you an “arm care” program?
Conveniently enough during the ONLY dead period of baseball’s calendar year?
Arm care isn’t important now?
Not 3 weeks ago?
How about back in June when he was having to pull field players from the outfield because he didn’t have any arms?
“In my organization, our coaches care about our arms, they institute and stick to pitch counts!”
Oh, that’s cute.
Do they tell you to hang your baseball gear up for 4-6 months a year, prioritize developing strength and power, while also encouraging you to expose yourself to different sports and activities to become a more well-rounded athlete?
That’s arm care.
Or do they have you convinced that because they use some cute pitch count app we can ignore the accumulating fatigue on our kids arms that are ill prepared for the egregious demands placed upon them?
Should we factor in the lack of general preparedness before or after pitch count “safety”.
Regardless, check out the statistics regarding youth sport arm, elbow, shoulder injuries.
We pass out little league elbow/shoulder diagnoses (catch all term) more abundantly than we do candy on Halloween (kids these days won’t walk more than a street or 2 lol).
If we were so “strict” on our pitch counts and “tAkInG cArE oF tHe PlAyErS aRmS” would we see the frequency and volume of youth baseball injury that we see today, mind you a higher frequency and volume than we’ve ever seen in human history?
At a time, when believe it or not, LESS kids are playing baseball.
Less kids + more injury isn’t exactly the greatest stat line.
But don’t pay attention to that, pay attention to that winter showcase you pay for so they can “rank” your kid.
The whole system is upside down and ass backwards.
Arm care is not a 6-week program.
Arm care is a critical component of YEAR ROUND youth athletic development and sport preparation.
Don’t buy from these fools looking to leverage a few extra hundred bucks from your kid during his dead period.
If these people cared at all, we wouldn’t be in the atrocious state of youth sport that we’re in today to begin with.