Adult Egos Often Lead To The Under Service Of Our Youth

Imagine putting the egos away and collaborating for the betterment of our kids. Crazy idea, huh?

Imagine putting the egos away and collaborating for the betterment of our kids. Crazy idea, huh?

“To the Private Coach, the in-school coach “is clueless.”

To the in-school coach, the private guy “only wants your $.”

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How about seeking to understand the role of each other & collaborating to best serve our kids?

Ya know, the kids BOTH are employed to serve?

Just an idea.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

It’s sad that even in today’s world, we have two camps of people who are employed to add value to the lives of our youth, still working against each other.

To the Private Trainer, the In-School Coach “sucks and doesn’t know what he is doing.”

He says this completely ignorant to having any resemblance of understanding how things are on the other side of the spectrum.

And to the In-School Coach, “that private trainer is a sleeze bag who only wants your money.”

This used to really piss me off. It did. But then I realized why so often coaches in schools say this about private sector guys.

It’s because, guess what, they are so far removed from how it actually is on the other side of the spectrum.

You would hope that people on both sides would seek to understand each other, because again, they are both employed with a job title that is simply defined: “help young people.”

But, instead, it turns into an ego game and bashing one another seems to be a far more growth oriented and effective strategy than it is to, ya know, help young people become the best they can be.

I am the son of a public high school coach and educator who worked in the field for nearly 3 decades. I also work very closely with High School Coaches, Teachers, and Admin.

I assure you, I get it. I understand what the other side looks like and I sympathize with those who are doing the best they can with what they have access to (time, facilities, restrictions, etc.)

But let me just make something very clear.

There is infinitely more risk “on the other side”.

We aren’t appointed kids to work with. It’s not required. They aren’t “stuck” with us because “that’s their only option.”

We have to invest and reinvest 100’s of thousands of dollars, to merely give ourselves a CHANCE to earn the right to serve a kid.

If we under deliverer, hell even over deliverer, our ability to provide for and nourish our family’s is negatively impacted. This isn’t a “maybe it’ll happen” this is for certain.

I can assure you the real ones on the other side are in it for the right reasons.

They have no other choice.

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