Simply Showing Up Doesn't Make a Difference

Being aware, intentional, and passionate about your PRIVILEGE to serve others, does.

Being aware, intentional, and passionate about your PRIVILEGE to serve others, does.

“There is a difference between thinking you’re adding value and actually adding value.

Well intentioned adults everywhere often think they’re adding value simply by showing up. It takes much more than that.

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Adding value requires awareness, intentionality, and passion.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

“There are far more boring teachers and coaches out there than there are unmotivated kids.”

@Coach_BrettB said I could quote him on that, so I will.

I agree with his statement wholeheartedly.

I will acknowledge there are some fantastic teachers and coaches out there, many of whom I am extremely grateful for.

As the son of a multi-decade, passionate public school teacher and coach, I would remised not to acknowledge the (few) life changing gems who reside in our schools and on our ball fields.

But when you look across the spectrum, Brett’s statement is inarguably true.

Especially in the modern world that is lacking passion and focus as people of all ages are distracted and constantly comparing themselves to others on the rectangle that used to stay in their pockets, but now lives in their hands.

There are many teachers and coaches out there who believe simply showing up is enough, that just by “being there” or “filling a role” translates to value by default.

It doesn’t.

Though no coach or teacher ever said in this in their initial interviews, many of them are there to collect checks, an extra stipend, leverage government benefits and insurance, and have the summers off.

Again, this is NOT everyone. I know many teachers and coaches who pour deeply into kids 12 hours a day, year-round. They work more non-paid hours than you and I do paid, and are some of the hardest working, most valuable people in our society.

But to say those people are the “norm” in the teaching/coaching professions would be a FAT lie.

If it were the norm, then why do we have masses of kids who are unmotivated, lack desire, and never come close to reaching the pinnacle of their potential?

Is it because they have something inherently wrong with them? Sure, I understand there are a few bad apples everywhere, but the majority?

Or is there an error in their facilitators (leaders) who are conditioned by the “system” the kids live in for 12 years?

If I were a betting man, I’d bet on the ladder.

Simply showing up or filling a role doesn’t add value, even if you feel good about it.

In order to be a real difference maker it requires awareness, intentionality, and authentic passion.

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