Athletes best benefit when coaches stay in theirs.
“You know what works a lot better for athlete development than stepping outside your scope to try to do it all?
Overcoming your ego and having the self-awareness to understand there may be others out there better suited for a specific task than you.
Lanes serve a purpose.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
The greatest error anyone can make is believing that because they can do a lot, they should do a lot.
Obviously because of the field I am in, I speak on sports performance and training, so in an effort to stay in my lane, that’s where I’ll stay.
As much as your local news will try to convince you that the world is going to hell in a hand basket (in some ways it is), in all actuality right now is the greatest time to be alive.
We have so much access to quality information, modern medicine, and convivence that is quite literally at our finger tips, oftentimes we don’t even know what to do with it all.
So instead of simplifying and taking action, in our field, most simply do what they’ve always done.
Coaches and admin will “evolve” to the latest iPhone and vehicular comforts, but when it comes to elevating sports performance and their athletes, they aren’t sending text messages….
They are using broken winged carrier pigeons to deliver their messages.
As I make a conscious effort to circle back to the point, it is critical that in the modern world, we give our kids’ the very best chances at athletic success because what they learn in sports travel far beyond the surface.
From a Coaches perspective this starts with understanding, recognizing, and APPRECIATING, that you are not the be all end all and you’re most definitely not the one sized-fits all, answer.
Do you really think you have the ability to be the best teacher, double sport coach, and part time “Strength Coach”? Do you really think that? If you do, you’re wrong.
I know it’s tough on the ‘ol ego because you (think) you can do it all, but ya can’t.
And the most successful coaches and programs understand this.
They minimize their ego & selfish desires, and work on putting the right people in the right seats to best serve the kids.
You know how you preach a “team” effort at the end of practice?
Then why are you trying to do it all?
If you’re going to teach them to stay in their lanes and do their jobs, shouldn’t you?
Just a thought.