Trainers Prey On Your Motivation. Coaches Empower You Through The Development Of Discipline.

It's a long game that most try to play short.

It’s a long game that most try to play short.

“We live in a society that tries to glamorize training.

Fancy light bulbs, big mirrors, & clothes that are too small.

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It’s all a facade designed to camouflage what training really is:

The consistent repetition of mundane, simple actions performed with hellacious intent.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

Look I get it, I understand for people who are new to training or returning to training, we have to be welcoming.

You will not find a more welcoming person than myself who will excitedly take the time to help a new person develop the positive habit that is training.

But let me tell you what I will not do.

I will not try to wow you with a bunch of smoke, mirrors and flash to try to get you to bite.

I will not leverage your short-term motivation and try to string you along as long as I can until your motivation fizzles out.

I’m not after your dollars. I’m after your improvement.

And while I do not know a lot of things, I do know this:

Pretty colored weights, florescent light bulbs, big mirrors, chrome dumbbells, and new workout clothes are not enough to keep you going.

I don’t care how “motiviating” that trainer is.

That trainer knows he or she has a finite amount of time to leverage your newly found excitement so they will bring out all the gadgets if it means making a few extra bucks at the beginning of the year.

It’s disgusting.

These people claim to be servants of others who have (supposedly) developed discipline, but then they try to sell motivation?

What a croc of shit.

Of course training doesn’t have to be extraordinarily hard or painfully boring, but it’s not a circus act.

This isn’t going to be the same experience as going out to get a wood fired pizza with your friends on a Friday night.

You not only have to understand this, you have to learn (over time) to appreciate this.

The reason being is because the only way you’ll ever sustain any positive habit is not by simply doing it, but by making it a part of who you are.

Once you come to understand that training is really nothing more than the consistent repetition of mundane, simple actions performed with hellacious intent, you will begin to thrive.

You’ll stop looking for the Wow Factor.

You’ll just do what you need to do and then move on to the next task.

This may not be how social media projects “winning”, but this is how you actually win.

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