I disagree with his tactics, but there are no rules in the jungle that is modern (or ancestral) society.
“ ‘Liver King’s a steroid regimen leaked! He’s a fraud!’ “
Guess what.
He already won.
It’s not about right, wrong, truth, or lies.
It’s about attention.
All the needed was for you to ask your friends about him.
And you did.
You were a player in his game.”
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
“So, what do you think about Liver King?”
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked this question, I’d beat my retirement goal age by a decade.
What do I think about him?
I think he’s a genius.
Life is a game.
We are all playing the game.
The vast majority are playing the game subconsciously (don’t even recognize they are playing) and very few are playing consciously (actively playing.)
The goal of any game is to win, right?
Did Liver King lose?
Sure, there are a bunch of subconscious players in the game using this short-lived time to bash him on the internet, while he sits on vast acreage of his family’s compound living life on his and his families terms, without a care of what you think about him.
You don’t recognize it, but this “bad press” is actually good (phenomenal) press and, in all honesty, is going to further increase his net worth (substantially).
Now do I agree with the tactics he used/uses in the game?
Not at all. I firmly believe in humility, authenticity, transparency, and truth.
But as a self-aware individual, I must ask myself, who am I to caste judgement on the way he plays the game?
There are no rules in the jungle.
Sure, my ethics, morals, and belief systems guide my life, but do they have to guide his? Who said?
I think the real question is not about “Liver King”, but about you.
Did you honestly believe he was all natural and did not take performance enhancing drugs?
Did you 100% buy into the “eat raw organ meat” and “look like this” narrative?
Did you fall for the marketing scam?
Or did you not care at all and were “just along for the ride, because this guy is a nut?”
Regardless of your answers to any of those questions, you watched. You shared. You talked about him. You asked your friend their opinion on him.
And THAT is all he cared about.
He plays the game consciously, knowing there are masses of subconscious, gullible players who are freely and excitedly willing to be players in his game. He doesn’t give a shit if you like him or not.
Again, I disagree with his tactics, but while you talk about him, he’ll just continue to win.