They don’t care about (real) development. They want specialization for year round, predictable income.
“Them: Play Multiple Sports”
Also Them: (Well if they play multiple sports & the other sport season is during our slow season, when are we going to have our money grab tournaments & ‘showcases’?)
“Play.. multiple.. do both.. on the weeken.. I mean, yeah..
-Ray Zingler on Twitter
What do you want them to do?
No, seriously, what do you want them to do, bro?
I know you talk about developing multiple athletic qualities by playing different sports, but is that what you really want them to do?
Or are you just saying it because you know it’s the politically correct thing to say?
Because your words are different than your actions, and remember, actions speak far louder than words.
Of course you don’t want them to play multiple sports.
If they do, how will you be able to sell them unnecessary shoddy lessons during your slow season?
How will you be able to convince them that they need to play in this (expensive) off-season tournament?
How will you be able to maximize your kickback from that “showcase” (nobody cares about) if you have a limited number of your players entering it.
Take money out of the equation and sure, you might stick to your words on playing multiple sports, but in the current business landscape of youth sports, the only sport they need is yours. At least that’s what your banking app is telling you.
Talk about a croc of shit.
While I’m certainly not one of those idiots dishing out stats: “79 oF 106 pLaYeRs In ThE sUpEr BoWl PlAyEd MuLtIpLe SpOrTs In HiGh ScHoOl So YoU sHoUlD tOo!”
Because at the end of the day, some kids don’t want to play multiple sports and that’s fine. They shouldn’t be forced into playing 19 sports just because Derek Henry did.
Afterall those 79/106 players playing in the super bowl would be playing in the game with or without wrecking high school kids in every sport they played because of genetic superiority.
But I get it, our kids and their families are navigating difficult waters in today’s youth sporting landscape.
It seems like everybody else is specializing in a single sport, so your kid should too, if he doesn’t want to be “left behind.”
As much as your hunch is wrong, it’s really hard to convince yourself otherwise, especially when the “coach” who “cares about your kid’s development” is affirming your flawed notion (for his personal gain).
Parents, recognize this, the youth sporting environment we are currently experiencing is ass backwards, so the further you and/or your kid go AGAINST the grain, the closer you are to doing what’s actually correct.
If you want what is best, don’t fall in line.
Don’t be a puppet.
Challenge the status quo.
It’ll serve them in far more than sports.