Guru's Speak Over Your Head To Feed Their Fragile Ego's

True Coaches simplify delivery to speed your learning curve.

True Coaches simplify delivery to speed your learning curve.

“The self-proclaimed guru focuses not on his ability to present his knowledge in digestible bits to speed your learning curve.

The above would describe a True Coach.

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The guru is fixated on the notion of projecting his superiority over you in an effort to feed his fragile ego.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

We live in a (professional) world that requires us to think we have to impress people.

We have to appear smart, use all the fancy language, and oftentimes speak (or write) in code, so that we can leave others with the impression that we are of extraordinary intelligence.

People package this image up for one of two reasons:

  1. To (attempt) to impose their superiority over another.

  2. To (attempt) to fool the consumer that “it” is more complex than “it” really is.

The people, or shall I say “Self-Proclaimed Guru’s” use these tactics for no other reason than they desire your discipleship and they want to frame the idea of you not being able to do “it” without them, in your head.

And because critical thinking is a skill that is dying in our society by the day, submitting to the said (phony) guru is a popular choice because of the lack of effort required.

This is how the guru wins.

It’s ashame because more often than not the guru is full of shit.

He’s using those fancy terms and verbiage not because he actually has an abundance of knowledge regarding the subject, but because he’s “heard the terms in his circle” and it elevates his perception of himself. Its an ego game.

If he was truly well versed in his discipline, he would recognize that growth-oriented people don’t care how smart you sound, they care about how much you can help them. Period.

If the guru was truly a guru he would be able to tastefully simplify the “complex matter” and break it down into digestible bits for someone living completely outside of his sphere. He would be able to present the information in a way that even a small child could understand it with relative clarity.

As someone desiring to be a difference maker in the Strength & Conditioning industry, I work tremendously hard on the simplification of delivery.

Don’t get me wrong, I have heaping loads of Science based training books & I could throw all the Anatomical terms at you, I can talk to you about the Krebs cycle & the ATP-PC system, too.

But does that really help you? Are you impressed?

Not most of you. So I’ll stick to simple, actionable, needle moving language, despite potential criticism from the “academics”. I don’t need to use big words for camouflage.

The real guru’s don’t need the labels.

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