Failure to do so would be a disservice to those I love most.
“The reason I call the nonsense in the youth training world is not because I’m worried about ‘competitors’.
As a servant of youth athletes it is my obligation to lead them.
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My focus is on the kids and their families & failure to educate them away from the garbage is negligence (on my part).”
Growing up, I’d always been taught to stay in my lane.
To focus not on what they are doing, but to focus on watering my own garden. I believe this to be some of the greatest advice I ever received and credit much of my success to keeping my head down and relentlessly working on my craft, despite the noise around me.
As I’ve grown in the field, I still prioritize our garden. I’m still focused on what we’re doing and how we can improve the delivery of our high quality, research and data backed system.
But I do have to pay attention to what is going on around me.
Note I say “pay attention” not “focus”.
Like I said, my focus in on us, but I am paying attention to what they are doing. Why am I paying attention?
I assure you it’s not because I’m worried about the guys down the road.
Sure, they can beat me on square footage, price points, and volume, (a race to the bottom in the S&C/Fitness Industry) but they won’t beat me on the life changing, global experience we’re focused on providing.
I’m not even playing the same game. They are playing checkers. I am playing chess.
The reason I am paying attention is because I truly love the youth athlete and want what is best for their development.
The reason I am paying attention to them is for the sake of the kid’s and their families, not my own.
The fact of the matter is that most just don’t know. They don’t know right from wrong in the training world and very regularly good and bad is lumped into the same category.
The “speed & agility” guru and the tenured, data driven, Professional Coach are both viewed “trainers” and more often than not, the consumer is going to choose the cheaper/flashier one because “it’s all just training.”
Knowing the statement above couldn’t be any further from the truth, I’ve committed to educating against the garbage.
While I can’t shift the narrative entirely on my own, what if I can lead one to critically think & make (newly found) evidence based decisions?
I’m not paying attention to them for my sake, I’m doing it because I owe it to you.
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