Strength & Conditioning isn't about sets & reps.

It's about loving and serving people.

It’s about loving and serving people.

“It’s not about front squats are back squats.

It’s not about 5 sets of 5 or 4 sets of 6.

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It’s about people. Loving and serving people.

If your heart isn’t on fire to build a culture within an environment where others can grow and thrive, Strength & Conditioning isn’t for you.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I talk to a lot of current and perspective gym owners.

It’s become such a passion of mine to help gym owners and coaches that I’ve created a consulting business to help them get them from where they are to where they want to go.

During an initial call or DM, I will get the questions you would think I would get.

“What is your opinion on Rogue Fitness?”

“Do you like Elitefts better?”

“Should I go with GHR’s or Reverse Hypers first?”

“Yeah, about programming, do you run traditional 5/3/1? Or do you put a spin on it? I was thinking of running ….”

I get it. Seriously, I do. These are important questions because after all, if you’re going to start/expand on a S&C/Gym owning venture, you need at least some tools of the trade to get going.

While I do in fact answer these questions I am admittedly on the surface with my replies. Not because I undervalue their questions or have anything to hide, but because I know that I have a finite amount of time in our initial interactions.

I intentionally shift the nature of the conversation from the “x’s & o’s” to the why behind it all.

“Why are you getting into S&C?”

This question is usually met with a pause.

Then, I’ll get a variety of answers ranging from being passionate about training to wanting to help athletes improve their performance.

While these are great answers, they are surface level answers.

Of course you’re passionate about training.

Of course you want to help others doing what YOU love. These are obvious pre-requisites, but if you want to be successful in this field, it goes much deeper than that.

S&C isn’t about weights. It’s not about set and rep schemes, or that program.

S&C is about people.

I don’t care where your gym is.

I don’t care what equipment you have.

I don’t care what ‘that guy down the road has…’

Your success or failure in this field hinges on your desire to love and serve others. Period.

You can strength train anywhere.

But can you create a lasting culture within a growth-oriented environment that allows others to consistently thrive?

Only if your heart is on fire to love and serve others.

Most try to play checkers.

The game is chess.

Thanks for reading Zingler Strength ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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