There Is A Difference Between Work You Have To Do And Work You Cannot Not Do.
When you find your purpose & answer your calling the gravitational pull towards the work you were born to do is too strong.
When you find your purpose & answer your calling the gravitational pull towards the work you were born to do is too strong.
Nothing drives self-awareness and the introspective process like getting off the sidelines and into the game.
It’s not lights, wrapping paper, and things. It’s the birth, nails, & everlasting life.
Stack the odds in your favor. Here’s how to do it:
Time is our greatest asset & it’s a responsibility to steward it wisely.
Following the same, undifferentiated, linear path as millions of others and expecting success to be handed to you at the end ain’t it.
They are dramatically different constructs.
4556 Steinhauer Rd, Marietta,
GA 30066