Personal accountability & discipline are the differentiators.
“The difference between being a winner and being a bum is very small.
Winners win the controllables and then control how they respond (as favorably as possible) to the uncontrollables.
Bums lose the controllables and then REACT (often in a negative way) to the uncontrollables.”
-Ray Zingler on X

There is no one size fits all formula, but it’s so easy to win.
Now the scale of how big you can win does have a wide range based upon the level of tangible value you provide to the marketplace, but getting a W is easy.
The reason most people lose, though, is because they lack personal accountability and discipline, which are both completely free and easy.
The difference between winners and bums is so small and I’ll prove it to you in a short blogpost.
Take Jim and Joe for example.
They come from the same town, the same family dynamic, the same access to resources, the same intelligence levels, same everything.
Jim decides that he wants to be a winner.
So what Jim does is he controls the controllables, which are few, and controls how he responds to to the uncontrollables, which are many.
Jim shows up on time, does what’s asked of him, and regularly goes above and beyond what’s asked of him.
When things don’t go his way, he doesn’t get bitter, but looks to make the most of the adversity, because after all that that is the only option that carries any value.
Jim stacks up thousands of days in a row of doing his very best given his subset of circumstances.
Joe, on the other hand, doesn’t control the controllables. He often shows up late to work, gives piss poor effort, and then when things don’t go his way he REACTS unfavorably via lashing out.
Instead of simply adjusting his sails like Jim did, he bitches non-stop about the wind.
Joe loses jobs and opportunities because he was too busy complaining about what he couldn’t change instead of focusing on creating winning habits.
And there you have it.
2 people with the same chances at success and only 1 of them attained it.
Notice how skill, luck, education, nor financial support had anything to do with it.
Being a winner and being a bum are both choices.
It is not the outside world that chooses for you, it’s the personal behavior you consistently repeat.
They are options and you get to choose which one you want to be.
Lean into personal accountability and discipline.
Winning & losing hinges on it.