Here’s why:
“Most aren’t going to support you.
The reason is because most people can’t even support themselves, much less you.
So they defer their inadequacy & insecurity onto you in the form of shade, in attempt to make themselves feel better.
Loser mentality 101.
Do the opposite.”
-Ray Zingler on X

I’ve been consulting entrepreneurs for over 5 years now.
What makes me qualified to do that?
Not being qualified. Not being ready. Not having arrived.
I am in the same boat as many of the folks I consult.
The “working hard to figure this thing out” boat.
And I simply try to share my mistakes, successes and improvements I’ve made along the way to speed others learning curves.
The common themes I get from folks in the strength professional world aren’t what you think they’d be.
I’m not asked a million questions about exercise selection and programming models.
We don’t even talk that much about marketing because while marketing can get complex, in the service industry, especially our service industry, our best marketing is word of mouth and then consistency with 2-3 fundamental marketing strategies. (Sorry if you took the bait of the online gurus promising you an extra $100k/mo with their “system”.)
A lot of what we talk about is the emotional side of business.
“I thought business was black and white? Cut & dry?”
The numbers side of business is, but that’s only a small portion of it.
“Man, it just feels like people don’t support me. Oftentimes it’s even the people closest to me.”
I hear it more than any other theme.
And I can resonate with this because I, too, know all to what it feels like. And it stings.
You bust your ass, incur immense stress and risk, create something from scratch, deliver it to the marketplace, and then find a way to feed your family with the what was once nothing more than an idea written on a napkin?
I mean how fucking awesome is that?
But your buddies don’t support you.
Your neighbors could care less.
And sometimes your own family can even resent your success.
Why is that?
It has nothing to do with you.
It has everything to do with their own inability to support themselves.
They can’t do what you do or they would have done it.
And your success reminds them of that.
So they hate themselves for it and then “nicely” project it onto you in the form of “not supporting” you.
Don’t put that back out in the world.
Winners build.