If You're Proven In The Fitness Space, Never Budge On Price.

Watering yourself down to please price chasers who are never happy is the fastest way to fail in our field.

Watering yourself down to please price chasers who are never happy is the fastest way to fail in our field.

“If you’re proven & worth your salt, don’t let anybody talk you down on price in the training world.

No true Pro in any profession is going to take a cut rate for services they provide to the marketplace.

And few are performing as deeply critical work as working with kids.”

-Ray Zingler on X

In addition to my “day job” (lol) I also consult fitness professionals.

And the most common questions I get revolve around finances.

“How much should we charge?”

“Weekly or monthly dues?”

And the reason these are the most common questions is because, believe it or not, the money side of the personal training business is still, for some INSANE reason, taboo.

It’s one of the most critical services provided to the marketplace, but because it’s “only working out” people have no idea what it should cost.

And because there isn’t a tangible product, consumers’ can touch and take home right now, many struggle to justify the cost.

They can touch the $1000 QLED TV and the $10,000 living room furniture set (that is going to, overtime, dramatically decrease their health) so they’ll jump at it.

But a few hundred dollars a month to extend the quality of life and amount of time they can spend with their future grandchildren… the cost is just too much to bear.

Again, WILD.

There is good and bad in every field, right?

This is true from accounting to personal training.

But if you’re proven in the marketplace as a personal trainer, strength coach, or whatever fitness professional tag you want to apply to yourself, you should never compromise on price.

Are you going to have charlatans in the field undercut you on price?

Of course you are.

But guess what that does, that puts them in the class of serving people who are always chasing price over quality.

People you don’t even want to deal with, anyway.

By maintaining and even increasing your price points, you’re elevating yourself and playing in a different league.

Do you think Maserati is lowering their prices because Hyundai is?

Of course not. 

They know the Hyundai buyers are going to shop price every time they look for a car. Is the next one a Kia? Nissan?

Whereas luxury car buyers are almost always repeat, lifelong customers.

In the fitness industry, especially if you’re good, most will balk at your price or try to twist your arm for a discount.

Never cave.

The work we do in our field and our time is critically important.

Especially if we’re working with kids.

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