Success has a hell of a lot more to do with discipline than it does skill.
“Success is simple.
-Concentrate all your energy on a limited set of targets.
-Win all the controllables.
-Repond as favorably as possible to the uncontrollables.
Success is far less about skill & fare more about discipline.
It’s vision, limiting choices, & execution.”
-Ray Zingler on X

I used to lock myself in the cabin for the last week of the year and extensively plan my goals for the ensuing year ahead.
It wasn’t just “lose 5 pounds”. I’d write out meaningful goals and then write pages of notes blueprinting exactly how I was going to accomplish said goals.
And while this worked for a lot of my goals, I found out that I was trying to do too much.
Instead of be a savage at 3 things, I was becoming pretty average at 12 things. I just had too much going on to sustain high levels of everything.
And then I read the quote..
“Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets.” -Nido Qubein
Those words changed the game for me.
And that’s when I started to trim the fat.
I stopped caring about “accomplishing the most” and focused on being a master at the least.
Discipline needs proof, and I was going to give myself hells of evidence.
I rebuilt my mindset.
And this is when I began reaching levels of success I’d never had before.
“All while doing less?”
Less, better. Yes.
Success is simple, just not easy.
1) Define your objectives and then concentrate all your energy on a limited set of targets to accomplish those objectives. Drown out any other noise or dare I say “opportunities” (most of them are camouflaged distractions) that take your eye off the 2-3 primary nuggets.
2) Win the controllables. This is critically important. Show up on time. Wear the right shit. Clean the right way. Bat 1,000 on the mundane, often skill-less controllables. They are the bedrock of your discipline development.
3) Respond as favorably as possible to the uncontrollables. Most of what happens to us in life is outside of our control, which is why we must win, and win big, where we can. The real art is found in being able to not react, but favorably respond to what happens to us outside our control.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth & freedom.” -Viktor Frankl
Success is a choice.