Prepare For Sport. Practice Sport. Compete In Sport.

It's funny that in 2024, that model (the correct model) is counter culture, it's sad that it's our kids who end up losing because of it.

It’s funny that in 2024, that model (the correct model) is counter culture, it’s sad that it’s our kids who end up losing because of it.

“The real model:

-Prepare for sport.

-Practice sport.

-Play sport.

GPP feeds SPP.

The model we use:

-Play sport.

-Buy lessons for sport.

-Agility drills & TikTok workouts, maybe.

And we wonder why kids are injured, burnt out, &/or running around on untapped potential.”

-Ray Zingler on X

The worst thing you can ever do is not know the answer, assume the answer, and then act on your assumption as if it’s truth.

I’ll give you an example.

8 + 8 = 116.

That’s incorrect, right?

But imagine if you didn’t know how to do the basic math and you went around believing that answer was correct.

And then worse off, you went around telling other people who didn’t know the answer that the answer was correct and because you seemed “nice & well intentioned” they believed you.

Pretty quickly, we’d have a hell of a lot of people believing 8 + 8 was 116.

“This would never happen in real life, what does this have to do with anything!?”

It happens in real life every single day.

It may not happen in arithmetic because we hold some resemblance of a standard there, but the exact scenario happens to you and your kids in the realm of youth sport, every single day.

And it’s getting “progressively” worse.

We have uneducated, (a degree doesn’t equal education, a degree equals compliance in the realm of schooling) uniformed, lazy adults with ulterior motives, who don’t know what they don’t know about youth athletic development steering the ship.

Then, these people encourage uninformed consumers to hop on board, telling them the seas are “fine” with no proof of concept other than the last batch of seamen didn’t die.

It’s literally the blind leading the blind and it’s our kids who wear the brunt of the adult incompetence.

I don’t care how “nice” that guy is or if he “played pro ball!”

Or what worked for that one kid..

You can’t skip over physiology.

You can’t bully your way around development.

It’s impossible.

To justify the premature advancement and abundance of volume we see today because it seems to be working for “that kid over there” is like saying cigarettes are fine because your uncle lived to 100.

The real way is this way:

PREPARE. PRACTICE. Compete. Notice the emphasis on 1 & 2.

Our model of:

Compete too often, BUY development (via unnecessary lessons), & throw lip service at general physical preparation…

It’s setting our kids up for failure & robbing both of you in the process.

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