Kid’s NEED Real Off-Seasons, Here’s Why:

The current landscape doesn’t serve the kids best interests for LTAD.

The current landscape doesn’t serve the kids best interests for LTAD.

“In college & beyond, the competition season lasts a max of 6 months.

Most are far shorter.

The training & preparation for sport, however, spans… well it doesn’t span because it’s unending.

Consider this when thinking it’s best for undeveloped teens to compete year round.”

-Ray Zingler on X

“Imitate the behaviors of those you want to become.”

If you want to become a great investor, you behave like great, disciplined investors.

If you want to get in better shape, you seek the aid of fitness professionals.

If you want to play sports in college.. do the exact opposite of what college (& beyond) athletes do.

Do you know how many college/pro athletes compete year round and pay lip service to general training/physical preparation?

  1. Not 1.

But Timmy, who just had a spring school baseball season, played disturbingly too many games this summer, and is now heading into fall ball before “taking the winter off” (1 month of down time as the travel coaches cash in on “arm care” programs).

I mean in what world does this make any sense?

And this isn’t just baseball, either.

The same is true for lacrosse, soccer, basketball, volleyball, and many other sports.

While an argument can be made that kids need to play more games than college and pro athletes because they are “learning the game” does this mean the volume dosages should be often over DOUBLE college & pro athletes? The people who do this stuff for a living?

It’s erroneous and irresponsible.

And just because it’s socially and culturally acceptable, doesn’t make it right.

Smoking cigarettes in many countries in the world is still socially & culturally acceptable, too.

When we play this much volume of sport, where is the time for practice?

Uninterrupted Physical preparation?

People need to realize when kids play this many games, they often aren’t getting any better.

They are simply showcasing the same limited abilities they have at their disposal more.

In order to get better, you have to get bigger, faster, stronger, and more skilled.

You don’t do this by playing more games

You do this by enhancing the strength & capacity of your motor.

Don’t buy into the modern narrative that more is better.

The only people it’s better for are the adults making the dollars off the backs of your children.

Have a real offseason.

You won’t be “left behind”.

Don’t follow the crowd.

Follow the science.

We know too much to act in ignorance.

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