You Can Be Called 'Coach' All Day Long..

But if you don't encourage time away from sport & focus on GPP, you can't say you're a coach who cares about athlete health & development.

But if you don’t encourage time away from sport & focus on GPP, you can’t say you’re a coach who cares about athlete health & development.

“You can be called ‘coach’ all day long.

But if you don’t prioritize & push General Physical Preparation with qualified personnel & quality time away from (specific) sport..

You can’t say you’re a coach who cares about athlete health, development, of sustainable performance.”

-Ray Zingler on X

They don’t want what is best for them.

And it’s not even close.

I don’t care how nice or well-intentioned that coach seems.

In 2024, with the ABUNDANCE of research & data we have access to in the realm of athletic development & performance, you can’t push early onset specialization of singular year-round sport on kids and then turn around and say “you want what’s best for them.”

That’s bullshit.

That narrative is completely counter to what’s “best for the kids.”

It’s ANTI Athlete Health.

It’s ANTI Athlete Development.

It’s ANTI Athlete Performance.

Again, I don’t care how cool ‘that coach’ is or how many Instagram followers he has.

You must understand that these coaches (shoddy entrepreneurs seeking personal financial gain off the backs of you and your children) don’t want what is best for Timmy or Sarah.

They want what is best for themselves.

So, what they do is use who they already have access to (you and your kids) and lead you to falsely believe that to “make it” you need to buy into their year-round ideology (to ensure they can have year-round salaries.)

Ask yourself, “To make it? To make what?”

99% aren’t going to get a return financially, physically, mentally, or emotionally from the abundance.

(Dramatically less) than 1% are going to make a living playing the game and those people would be the same people to make it, inside or outside the bullshit landscape your kids are subjected to, today.

“He wants to play in college and earn a scholarship!”

I applaud that, I do.

But is putting too much mileage on his arm as a teen and spending 5x the cost of a bachelor’s degree, worth the partial discount on a college degree?

In no realm of comprehension is it.

Understand, these charlatans who are pushing this narrative are not it for your kids.

They’re in because they know you’ll pay.

How do you know if you’re dealing with a coach who cares about their well-being and overall development?

Pay attention to how much down time he’s encouraging, and his vigor associated with prioritizing general physical preparation outside of sport.

The more he does, the more he cares.

And you can take that fact to the bank.

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