Life Is A Game You Play Against Yourself & Winning It Is A Personal Choice

People run into problems when they start trying to play other peoples games.

People run into problems when they start trying to play other peoples games.

“As somebody who loves sports, I’ve always thought about life in the context of a game that you play agasint yourself.

There are inevitable adversities in any game, but ultimately you control outcomes.

People run into problems when they start trying to play other peoples game.”

-Ray Zingler on X

I’m no philosopher, but I read a lot of philosophy.

And a common theme many great philosophers had is the focus they had on the controllables within their environments.

They were masters of controlling the controllables and controlling how they responded to the uncontrollables.

They played (& won) their own games, if you will.

I’ve found this is a lot easier to do than one would think.

And it really only requires self-awareness and discipline to win.

You can gain a lot of ground by simply focusing on yourself and resisting the urge to peak over the fence at what they are doing over there.

When you start playing the comparison game you set yourself up to lose.

The reason is because there will always be somebody out there who appears to have it better than you.

While it might be true, this is often because you’re comparing your worst attributes to their highlights that you see on social media.

Therefore, the key is to focus on and play your game.

And the best part about playing your own game is that you get to create the rules.

You get to manipulate the variables and set your life up in a way that makes winning simple.

Winning is a choice.

Many people don’t believe that because they are so consumed by blaming their lot in life on outside circumstance.

They lack personal responsibility.

Loser belief system 101.

When you understand winning is a personal choice, winning because a hell of simpler.

And that’s the secret:


Simplicity isn’t easy, but it is damn simple. (Told you I wasn’t a philosopher.)

Intelligently set your game up.

Find ways to create micro wins for yourself every single day.

Do. Do. Do.

Accomplish. Accomplish. Accomplish.

When you do this enough times in row you start to become who it is you want to be.

You start to become a self-aware, disciplined individual who now has proof of concept of winning.

And when you win small, you earn the opportunity to win big.

You don’t get to win big, without winning small first.

And while they won’t tell you this, I will, the small wins are actually the big wins.

Set your game up and go win it.

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