Adults With Influence On Children Must Take Pride In Their Own Training & Physical Prepardness.

Not doing so is immature, irresponsible, and lazy.

Not doing so is immature, irresponsible, and lazy.

“As an adult, especially an adult with influence on childern, taking pride in your own training and physical prepardness isn’t a good idea..

It’s a critical construct.

Lacking physical prowess is immature, irresponsible, & lazy.

It shows a lack of discipline, too.”

-Ray Zingler on X

If you were to ask an academic on a sunny Tuesday in the office, what the most important thing in life was, he would tell you intelligence.

If you were to ask him the same question, right before he needed to evacuate himself and his children from knee high flood waters, he’d probably have a different answer.

It’s easy to rest on scholarly laurels when you can comfortably blast your opinions on twitter, but when shit hits the fan, and somebody needs to be physically helped or harmed, you ain’t calling your academic neighbor.

You’re calling a hard man. A strong man. A capable man.

I’m pretty sure the progressives call this “toxic masculinity” but ask yourself who you’re calling when somebody breaks into your home at 2am.

The point of this post isn’t to tell you that your life only has value if you prioritize looking like a spartan from the movie 300.

I know plenty of people who outwardly look like that, but are softer than puppy shit when it comes to function & utility.

The point of the post is to share the importance of strength & capability, as an adult.

Especially as an adult with influence over children.

The reason is because they emulate what they see.

If they see you on the couch all the time, eating foods out of plastic bags, and complaining about the weather, guess what they’re bound to do?

Sit on the couch all the time, eat foods out of plastic bags, and complain about the weather.

If you want to be a bum on your own time, that’s fine. Be a bum on your own time.

But if you’re going to have influence over children and choose to be a bum in front of their face, now you’re taking from them.

It’s because your immaturity, your irresponsibility, your laziness, and your lack of discipline no longer just affect you anymore.

It affects them.

It steals from their potential.

Encourage them to chase their dreams, hit the books hard, all that good stuff.

But show them, by way of example the critical importance of strength, capability, & physical prowess.

At the end of the day, it’s a hell of a lot more important than their GPA.

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