Our Country Is Broken Because Her People Don't Take Pride In The Values She Was Built On.

It's not the few squeaky wheels you see on CNN's fault, it's the fault of the silent majority who chose conformity over patriotism.

It’s not the few squeaky wheels you see on CNN’s fault, it’s the fault of the silent majority who chose conformity over patriotism.

“It’s July 4th.

You’ll see your neighbors flags.

You’ll post pictures of your bbq.

But are you truly proud to be an American, daily?

Or only when it’s socially acceptable?

Our country is broken because her people don’t take pride in her & the values she was built on.”

Ray Zingler on X

“Oh you know, the world is crazy these days!”

I’ll tell you why.

It’s not because of the incredibly small number of crazies out there (who’ve always been there).

It’s because the masses decided to pander to the agenda of the crazies because conformity is easier than standing your ground.

It’s why being a true patriot who loves and values America in 2024 is considered radical, while burning the American flag in city streets is considered trendy.

It’s why adhering to traditional Christian values in 2024 is considered radical, while rampant divorce, fatherlessness, and devaluing our M&P is considered the “standard”.

Again, this isn’t the overwhelmingly few, squeaky wheels on CNN’s fault.

It’s our public leader’s fault.

And no, I’m not talking about “The President”.

It starts in our local municipalities.

It starts with every government pawn who took the pledge requirement out of school’s.

Not only should the pledge be stated, daily, the value of it should be taught, with vigor, pride, and intensity.

It starts with every county superintendent who took away pre and post-game prayer because it offended somebody.

You see it’s not the 1 or 2 crazies faults.

It’s the pandering of the soft American who might believe a certain way, but doesn’t have the stone’s to act on what he believes because doing so might lead him to lose his job.

I couldn’t imagine having a job where silencing my beliefs and compromising traditional American values was required.

But it’s people in those positions who folded, who are killing America every day.

Our kids aren’t being taught how and why to take pride in her.

And let me tell you what Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Stay silent all you want, but you’re doing far more harm than good.

Enjoy your day off.

Have fun in your boat.

Eat your burger.

But teach your kids to take real pride in America.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with this:

“If my people will humble themselves, pray, & seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

You know who said it.

Happy Independence Day.

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