Sports Are Games Of Force.

Those who display the most force, most efficiently are the ones who win. Here is how to increase your force outputs:

Those who display the most force, most efficiently are the ones who win. Here is how to increase your force outputs:

“Sports are games of force.

The athletes who can express the most force, most efficiently, win.

Tip toeing around cones while some charlatan bro with a sleeve tattoo yells ‘quick feet’, looks cool for the ‘gram, but that ain’t it.

Load Sprints.

Load Jumps.

Load Barbells.”

-Ray Zingler on X

Sports are games that reward force.

Those who can put the most force in the ground, most efficiently are the ones who win.

Here is a simple, lay example to understand the context of force and (why “speed” ladders are bullshit).

Get a 10-yard ladder and lay it on the ground.

Next, get two athletes of comparable speeds.

Have the faster athlete, we’ll call him Athlete A line up behind the ladder.

Have Athlete B, line up next to him with nothing but grass in front of him.

Instruct Athlete A, again, the faster athlete, to run as fast as he can through the ladder using the “1-foot in each hole” drill. Or, hell, any drill you want, I don’t care.

And then instruct Athlete B, to just run a max effort 10-yard sprint burst.

“Set.. GO!”

Who wins?

The kid who wasn’t playing Dance Dance Revolution underneath his feet and the “slower” kid who was actually sprinting, right?


Because Athlete B was displaying more force, more efficiently, which allowed him to cover the distance fastest.

Athlete A was moving “quickly” but producing no force from the hip into the ground.

But why is it that people still often choose the “training activities” of Athlete A over Athlete B?

It’s because they are flashier and “look cooler” on Instagram.

Almost as cool as the charlatan bro coach, with the same sleeve tat as every other bro, dishing out horrendously bullshit cues they don’t even understand, in attempt to sound like he knows what he’s talking about.

It’s the blind leading the blind, yet we justify it, and hell we even call it “the grind”.

There’s modern youth training for ya.

However, if you actually want to improve your performance, and not follow the social media driven crowd.

You must produce and display force.

And this starts with harboring this force, first, right?

How do we do this?

We simply get muscles, tendons, and ligaments stronger.

Once you have some force to work with, the game is working to better display it.

We do this by sprinting, jumping, and lifting weights.

It’s not as “new age” as your bros advice who doesn’t know his earhole from his elbow..

But it works a hell of a lot better.

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