Leaving S&C Out Or For Kids To "Do On Their Own" Is Not Only Lazy & Irresponsible, It's Outright Dangerous.

Here is why investing in a Professionally coached Performance Program is essential:

Here is why investing in a Professionally coached Performance Program is essential:

“Boxers have camps.

Professional athletes have TEAMS of coaches.

Olympians have dedicated training facilities.

But your kid..

Your kid who doesn’t know the difference between a lat pulldown & a complex carbohydrate can do it on his own at the box gym?


-Ray Zingler on X

“My kid isn’t a Professional athlete; he doesn’t need professional (S&C) coaching!”


This actually puts him in the camp of people who NEED Professional coaching more than anybody else.

But even then, who do the world’s most elite athletes have by their sides? TEAMS of professional coaches.

And if there is a demographic who didn’t “need” them, it’d probably be that one.

So, this is probably a pretty good indication that if your kid is not the best in the world, he could probably benefit from coaching.

When I hear the ol, “My kid works out at LA Fitness” or “We have a weight set in the basement” from parents..

I used to think those statements were just cheap and lazy.

I’ve learned, while my above thoughts are true, there is another layer to it.

It’s outright irresponsible.

Having access to metal in a globo gym or your basement means nothing when it comes to building out and executing a science-rich, developmentally appropriate, proven, performance program.

It’s not leg press, dumbbell flyes, and mirror selfies.

Your kids, who are doing those things, are the kids who will be run over by the kids who are actually training, if they haven’t been already.

“Yeah, but we don’t have time for training & it’s ‘too expensive’”.

You don’t have time?

But you do have time to misuse, and not only misuse, but be counterproductive with at the globo gym?

Remember, how we tell our kids that “time is the most valuable resource”?

And guess what is far less expensive than misusing the non-renewable resource that is time?

Investing in a quality-rich performance training program to streamline results in a safe environment, that will contribute to their growth today, but more importantly tomorrow.

If you “don’t have time” or “it’s too expensive”.. do a PTA & see where you’re investing your time and money.

Is the volume of sport and the $ allocated to it (highway robbery) the best use of time & money?

Would maybe offloading some of the abundance of sport, and injecting some of those resources into the construct they need more than any other, not be wise?

I assure you it would be.

In the modern day, against the grain is actually with it.

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