It’s up to their “village” of adults to lead by example and live the code, every day.
“You don’t help kids by telling them to prioritize health & fitness.
Learning about it in a classroom ain’t it.
The system is designed not to help them, but to take from them.
You help them by being a responsible adult and modeling it for them every single day of your life.”
-Ray Zingler on X
Do you think that taking a single semester of Health/PE in the public school system is enough?
Being “taught” by adults who are playing on their phones to pass the same time the kids are, since we’ve established these “classes” as “gimmie A’s”?
We’re living in a world where our kids PE/Health literacy, that’s been abysmally insufficient for decades is getting even worse.
“How can that be possible!?”
Leave anything up to the government long enough and they’ll find a way to screw up even further what’s already screwed up beyond comprehension. Hashtag, ‘Merica.
I can tell you with 100% confidence, if you leave your children’s health & wellness acumen up to the government for 13 of the most impressionable years of their life, they are going to struggle. Mightily.
Of course, the outliers (genetically superior, disciplined, etc.) will figure it out on their own, but the masses will struggle.
Just look at the health of our people in 2024.
And we’re placing even less of an emphasis on wellness while simultaneously increasing our people’s access to convenience?
What do you think the average person is going to look like in 2044, as they ingest processed poisons branded as food & drink, while wearing their cyborg VR facemasks with built-in safe spaces?
Of course, the medicine will advance, which yes, that is an amazing blessing, but it must, to keep up with the evolution of (preventable) disease so that “our people” can be relegated to the price tags our government views us as.
“Why the hell would we empower our people with knowledge that would help them become vibrant, healthy, capable people when we know the negative implications this would cause on the balance sheet?”
It’s not about “our people”.
It’s about “our people’s” money.
And self-sustainability is a direct threat to the government operationally and financially.
Want to (actually) help your kids lead healthy lifestyles?
Model them in your home every day of your life and surround them with high quality mentors who live the code as well.
If we leave it up to chance within a broken system run by the government, we’re putting them on a path to failure.