Our Kids Desperately Need Great Parents, Coaches, & Mentors, But..

"Filling a role" & "Being great" are two entirely different things.

“Filling a role” & “Being great” are two entirely different things.

“Great parents, coaches, & mentors make all the difference in the world.


Being a great parent is creating a kid, that’s easy.

Being a great coach isn’t imposing your will & ‘power’ on kids.

Being a great mentor isn’t just showing up.

Being great requires work.”

-Ray Zingler on X

When I was younger, like a lot of immature kids, I thought my parents were unreasonable and unfair. To be frank with you, I thought they were “dumb”.

It wasn’t until really my mid 20’s that I realized my parents weren’t dumb, I was dumb. Imagine that.

My parents were just actually parents and not the “cool adult friends” that my friends had who carried the same “parents” title as my parents.

And now that I look back on my childhood, I realize how blessed that I am to have had and continue to have great parents.

Who I am and what I am doing today would not be “my reality” if it weren’t for my parents.

I wouldn’t carry the work ethic I carry today if it wasn’t for my dad constructively drilling it into my head every single day.

I wouldn’t be sitting in this chair right now, writing, if it wasn’t for my mom’s relentless encouragement to leverage my “gift” (depends on who you ask, lol) of writing.

It is common knowledge (at least it should be) that we are all products of our environment and what is taught and tolerated within them.

This is why you see many fatherless children go astray in our society.

You hate to see it, but the fact of the matter is that fathers matter.

Mothers who wear the title of mother and father, matter, too.

But all of this got thinking of the other critical resources who impacted my development along the way.

Coaches and mentors who, along with my parents, heavily impacted me. The folks who were a part of my “village”.

They mattered so much, yet in today’s world, we heavily undervalue these paramount resources.

We’ll tolerate an asshole coach if he knows x’s and o’s.

“Ah, who cares if that mentor (which doesn’t necessarily mean good or bad – a mentor is simply a person of influence) is indoctrinating our kids, it’s probably fine..”


Look at the state of our kids mental & physical health..

Yet, we gravitate to what’s “acceptable”? It’s insanity.

Our kids need GREAT parents, coaches, and mentors.

But greatness requires work.

Don’t just “fulfill a role”.

Strategically work your face off every day to change the trajectory of a life.

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