If we subject them to adult created problems, it is our duty to guide them through it.
“Many of the problems our kids face today were created by adults..
-Social media comparison games
-GPA/SAT/ACT Test score competitions
-Politically pressurized sports
If we are going to subject our kids to the broken landscape, we must be willing to guide them through it.”
-Ray Zingler on X
Reality is wild.
“Kids these days..”
Nah man, it’s not them.
Kids are nothing more than products of their environments and what is tolerated/accepted within them.
(Some) adults have the ability to manage unnecessary stress and pressure and see through a lot of the bullshit, but kids, lacking fully developed frontal lobes, can’t.
Telling them not to make a mountain out of a mole hill does nothing for them. They don’t even know what that means.
Back in your day, you made one social mistake at school and people in your school hall laughed at you for 5 minutes and then forgot about it forever.
A kid slips up today, and it’s captured by a handheld computer that can distribute the mistake all over the world in less than 5 seconds time, let alone 5 minutes.
So, take the “struggles” you had back in the day and magnify them by 100. You still ain’t there, but you’re getting close.
Is it any wonder why our kids are facing anxiety, depression, and self-image issues at a scale the world has never before seen?
From the time they wake up to the time they go to bed, they are being compared to, judged, and criticized.
The comparison starts the second their eyes open in the morning as they sprint to generating feelings of inferiority on Instagram.
Forget comparing yourself to Sally at school, these girls have access to millions of Sally’s all over the world. And RIGHT NOW.
And then when they get to school, where they’re still on their phones (addiction) they are trying to balance the social media comparison game with the high level classes they don’t need, but are taking at school, so guess what, some other adult has a subjective form of measurement to compare, hold against, and compare them to their peers with.
And we call that EDUCATION lol.
Finally, we make it out to sports after school, the ‘release’, right! Wrong.
There is as much (unneeded) stress and pressure in their “outlet” than there is anywhere else.
And who created this? The kids?
Of course not.
If you’re going to subject them to the broken landscape, you best put your helmet on to guide them through it.
And it’s not work. It’s unending WORK.