5 Pillars Of Coaching That Must Be Prioritized In Order To Get The Most Out of Athletes

Skimp on any of these and being the best you can be for them is entirely impossible.

Skimp on any of these and being the best you can be for them is entirely impossible.

“How to actually make an impact & get the most out of athletes:

  1. Create a safe environment.

  2. Break the ice by keeping it loose.

  3. Show interest in them by listening.

  4. Build concrete trust & rapport.

  5. Tell them how much they are valued.

Then you can coach them hard.”

-Ray Zingler on X

Anybody and everybody who works with athletes in any capacity (should) want to create the opportunity for kids to maximize their experience and performance under their direction.

I don’t believe any coach out their “wants” to be bad, but there is a reason there are some truly awful coaches out there. And I’m not only talking about W/L records, either.

Coaching is extremely dynamic, and this isn’t a one size fits all approach, but here are 5 facts about coaching you must adhere to if you truly want to earn the mere opportunity of making an impact and get the most out of athletes.

1)   Create a safe environment. You can say this sounds “soft” but it’s true even for the hardest and toughest of athletes. For athletes to thrive, I mean truly be able to thrive, it starts with an environment where they feel not only physically, but mentally safe.

2)   Break the ice by keeping it loose. Discipline is important in coaching, and there are times to be “tough”, but keeping the environment loose and welcoming, especially initially, is critical in taking the pressure off athletes so that they feel comfortable enough to express their authentic selves. Down regulating is as important, if not more important than upregulating, remember that.

3)   Show interest in them by listening. Athletes want 3 things. They want to feel safe. They want to be seen. And they want to be heard. Give them that. You’ll often get further by listening to them more and (mindlessly) talking at them less.

4)   Build concrete trust and rapport. Every relationship is built on what? Trust. Do they trust you? Are you 100% sure or is it just that your ego would lead you to believe they do? This is why many coaches NEVER get the most out of kids. Faux trust.

5)   Tell them how much they are valued. Words matter. Say kind and loving things to them often. On top of telling them, show them with REGULAR, tangible expressions.

It is only when these 5 pillars are established and built upon that you can start pushing kids in a way that has the potential to get the most out of them.

People first.

Athletes second.

It never works the other way around.

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