The Real World Cares About These 4 Things Far More Than Any Standardized Test Scores

They don't teach you this stuff in school, either.

They don’t teach you this stuff in school, either.

“The real world cares little about you ability to absorb, regurgitate, & then forget information.

The real world cares about:

  1. Your ability to build rapport with others.

  2. Your ability to be socially agile.

  3. Your ability to solve problems.

  4. Your consistency.”

-Ray Zingler on X

School is getting to the point where it’s less about education and more about increasing the rigor of schooling so that we can judge kids easier by who scores the most points.

The reason it’s gotten this way, and everybody is taking “advanced” classes is because students and their parents have figured out the game.

Notice how damn near everybody has “above a 4.0!”

And topics of regular conversation are, “She had over a 4.0 and didn’t get into <insert large public state school>.”

It’s because we are training all our kids to compete for the same perceived golden nugget.

It’s not about quality education.

It’s about reverse engineering the game to give our kids the best chance to get into “that school” so we can fit into conversations at Christmas parties we don’t even care to be at anyway.

Bring on the braggarts talking about how many AP classes their kids take as if they are in some realm of humanity better people because they subject themselves to having to remember (and quickly forget) more information than you. Bravo!

It’s comical.

Unless you want to be an academic or a vessel of information (that lives forever on a supercomputer in our pockets) the real world doesn’t care about how good you are or were at school.

It’s why some of the highest achievers on earth have the lowest amount of “prestigious” schooling.

The real-world cares about:

1.  Your ability to build rapport with others. Are you kind? Do you show genuine interest in getting to know and connect with others? Can you start/hold a conversation?

2.  Your ability to be socially agile. Do you have street smarts? Do you recognize the power-hungry behavior in that person? How do you use your self-awareness to beat them at their own game? They don’t teach you that in the school hall.

3.  Your ability to solve problems. This is how you do or don’t make a good living. You get paid based on the severity of the problems you have the ability to solve. Period.

4.  Your consistency. Few people are ahead of you because they are “more brilliant” than you. They’re ahead of you because while you talk about “consistency!” They’re busy living it.

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