You have to put and keep skin in the game.
“People claim they want to be difference makers, but they cave to the very narratives they ‘disagree’ with in an effort to not ruffle feathers & stay politically correct.
Want to be positive you’ll never make a difference?
Keep skin out the game & stay accepting of the status quo.”
-Ray Zingler on X
Kid’s these days aren’t soft.
Kids are nothing more than products of their environments and what is tolerated within them.
Adults are soft.
They will talk all day long about how they disagree with ‘x’ or about how ‘y’ is bullshit at their little dinner parties behind closed doors, but when it comes to sticking their neck out there and standing up firm, tall, and proud for what they believe in.. for what’s right..
Their neck aint nowhere to be found.
That is the epitome of soft.
Adults everywhere, every day coddle down to and cast votes of affinity for the very narratives they claim to disagree with “when it’s safe” to disagree with them, but when the PC police is on the lookout dangling the carrot over their head, they fall back in line like the puppets they are.
What these people fail to realize is that silence, when vocalization matters most, is not a neutral stance, it’s a vote for the opposition.
You disagree with travel sports organizations monopolizing the game off you’re kids back for their adult dollars? Voice it. Stand up against it. Call the bullshit. To their faces. If you don’t, you can internally disagree all day long, but you’re casting votes in support of the bullshit you know is wrong. That’s soft.
You see a government paid employee wearing the title of “coach”, who let’s not forget is being PAID off the back of your labor and hard-earned cash, manipulating the mental and physical well-being of your children and you’ll yell about it in the car on the way home from practice, but not do about it publicly in an effort to not ruffle any feathers?
This happens every day and power-hungry people who don’t deserve access to the hearts and minds of our beloved children remain in positions of access because you’re unwilling to stand up against the nonsense. That’s soft.
Remember, by staying seated, by staying quiet, you’re voting for what you (claim to) disagree with.
If you want to improve the life experiences of our children and give them the best opportunities with the best resources to globally develop, you have enter the arena.
If you stand on the sidelines, it’s not you who loses, it’s them.