The "Fitness" Industry Is Selling You The Wrong Stuff.

Look for people selling you accountability and sustainability, not gimmicks.

Look for people selling you accountability and sustainability, not gimmicks.

‘The biggest lie we feed adults & athletes in the fitness/training space is that it has to be complex.

I’ve studied it all and continue to, but when you wipe away all the fluff, it’s seriously just picking things up and putting them down & putting one foot in front of the other.”

-Ray Zingler on X

If you live in America, you live in one of the most developed countries in the world.

We have more access to fitness centers, strength coaches, personal trainers, health coaches, and nutritionists than anywhere else in the world.

Yet we have an obesity epidemic in our country, and our kids are being trained by complete Anti-Developmental fools chasing clout on an application on your smart phone.

With so many great resources, why is it like this?

It’s because we are more focused on selling a product (whether it be physical, digital, or “service” based) than we are at actually helping people.

We create this illusion with faux complexity that, “you can’t do it without my product!”

And it’s bullshit.

“Wait, Ray, don’t you make a living training and coaching clients in the fitness/training space?”

I absolutely do and will continue to.

But if you think for one second I am going to feed ANYBODY who trusts me with their training some complex garbage to create the illusion that they cannot be healthy without me, you’re out of your mind.

I am not selling some secret exercise, diet, or weight loss pill.

That stuff doesn’t exist.

We would be far better off, not trying to trick people.

Not only would we be able to help them better sustainably, but we could create actual rapport with them.

And guess what happens when you build rapport built on a foundation of trust and results with people?

They stay with you.

I am not selling snake oil.

I am selling the truth.

And the truth is that there really isn’t much more to it than picking things up and putting them down (progressive overload) and putting one foot in front of the other with varying speeds (walking, jogging, running, sprinting, etc.)

Here is what I “sell” (and every one of these things is far more important than your bro’s “8-week diet plan”):

I am selling accountability.

I am selling discipline.

I am selling encouragement.

I am selling shortened learning curves.

I am selling sustainable lifestyle change.

Through an investment in the Family of Zingler Strength/Fitness Programs, we will buy you back years of life.

“That sounds drastic.”

You’re damn right it is. 5 additional years of life playing with your grandkids is drastic.

Simplify and do, frequently.

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