And you cast your votes with not thoughts or words, but actions.
“ ‘Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become. -James Clear
The inverse is also true.
Decide who you want to be.
Then, start casting a sh*t ton of votes for that person.
Growth is not a product of thoughts or words.
Growth is a product of action.”
-Ray Zingler on X
If you recognize the name associated with that quote, I applaud you.
If the quote is etched into your brain like it is mine, you’ve probably read James Clear’s Masterpiece, “Atomic Habits” more than once.
If you haven’t read the book, I strongly suggest it as I believe it to be one of the best, most actionable books in print today.
It changed my life and if the work is applied seriously, I am positive it will change yours too.
Working with kids for a living is an overwhelming passion of mine.
To say it is deeply important to me is an understatement.
I am blessed with the ability to impact young people and I get to call that my job. Heading into Year 14, saying that out loud is still wild to me.
It’s exactly why I train, myself, every single day.
What does being passionate about working with kids for a living and training myself, personally, every day, have to do with each other?
I train every day not because I am trying to prove a point.
I don’t do it to “get a leg up on you”.
I’m not doing it to increase the size of my biceps.
Nor am I doing it because I am trying to win an endurance race, either.
I do it every day because I am casting votes for myself.
I want to lead young people.
And there are 3 critical concepts I try to bestow upon them:
1. Discipline.
2. Commitment.
3. Effort.
So, every single day I train, I am casting votes for the more disciplined person I want to be, the more committed person I want to be, the higher effort person I want to be.
It’s because I know that if I don’t live the code in my own life, how can I expect my messaging to have the potential to take root in theirs?
That’s why I do it.
Who do you want to be?
A more generous person?
Give, every day.
A more intelligent person?
Study, every day.
A more empathetic person?
Listen (to them), every day.
The more votes you cast for that person, the more likely you are to become him or her.
As Dan John says, “If it’s important, do it every day.”