Once you leave the giant pool of mediocrity, circles get smaller, but far more valuable.
“Most are satisfied with mediocrity. It’s why that pool is so big & folks have many like-minded people to choose from to be buddies with.
When you work to elevate yourself, an element of loneliness accompanies it.
Endure it.
Your circle will be smaller, but far more valuable.”
-Ray Zingler on X
Most people are content with where they’re at.
Even if they say that they’re not, they are.
And their actions, well, lack of actions are exactly what proves their contentment.
Most people are average.
They are people who wake up with little purpose and float through their days letting the universe bang them off every corner as they exist only to get to the weekend and then ramp up their complaints on Sunday night about a variety of “problems”.
Talk about a miserable way to live, but that’s your average Joe heading into 2024, in even the most developed and resourced countries in the world.
The reason many people love that miserable space is because it’s easy and comfortable. It requires very little effort to live there.
And if you choose to live in that camp, the “cool” part about it, is that there are literally millions of people who are there right alongside you content with the same lifestyle. They “get you”. They’re eager to be a part of your tribe.
Create something? Build others up? Have a purpose? Serve others? Nah.. Let’s sit here together, bask in our misery, and judge/criticize those who are elevating themselves.
That’s what they do.
This is why when you choose to live a purpose driven life and elevate yourself, it can feel miserably lonely at times.
Once you remove the comfort blanket that is mediocrity, the number of people who “get you” diminishes SIGNIFICANTLY.
They aren’t happy for you. They aren’t clapping for you. They don’t want to see you win.
Most people can hardly support themselves; how can you expect them to support you when your lifestyle is so far removed from their frame of reference?
Alex Hormozi said it best, “The closer people are to you, when you’re at your bottom, the more they’ll root for you at the bottom, but as you pass them in YOUR pursuit, you remind them of the dreams they gave up on. You go from the person who reminds them that they could go after their dreams to the person reminding them that they never went after them to begin with.”
When you elevate yourself, it actually offends most people, but not the right people. Your circle will be much smaller, but it will be far more valuable.