Here Is The Key To Sustainable Dietary Discipline

And it has nothing to do with "being creative", in fact, just the opposite.

And it has nothing to do with “being creative”, in fact, just the opposite.

“One of the biggest hacks in nutrition is learning to view food as fuel so that you can train yourself to eat for performance (not taste).

Thinking every mean has to be ‘different’ & delicious is precisely why many always look & perform the same or worse.

It’s why they’re in their own way.”

-Ray Zingler on X

“It’s so boring eating the same thing every day!”

Here’s the solution:

Pick a meal you can digest well that is congruent with your current goals and then understand that boring is not only okay, but actually good for you.

I eat the same two lunches every day of my life and I have for over a decade.

8oz. Ground Turkey, ½-1C of Basmati Rice, 1C of Green Beans, throw in a little bit of mustard and sugar free BBQ sauce and that’s the lunch I eat twice a day. Every day, today, tomorrow, 7 years ago, and likely 9 years from now.

Is it exciting? No. Am I burnt out on it? I don’t know, I don’t think so, but even if I was, who cares? It’s just a source of fuel that I consume regularly throughout the day, so why get happy or sad if one of the meals isn’t jumping off the wall at me with excitement?

Now this isn’t to imply that I have anything against tasty and delicious foods and nor does it mean that if I am out with my family on a Saturday that I won’t have a sandwich with the family. I like tacos, burgers, pizza, and pasta just like everybody else. It’s just that the vast majority of the time I remove thinking and emotion out of my diet.

By dinner time I’ve likely had 1C of bland, plain, unseasoned Oatmeal, the two lunches I’ve described, and maybe a cup or two of yogurt. That’s it.

So, by 7pm (or whenever we eat dinner) all the food I’ve consumed has a) not for a second of time been thought about and b) used like a fuel source to help me achieve my dietary, health, & fitness goals.

Does this mean I can run off the rails at dinner time? Of course not, but because my days are largely disciplined, it does allow me to enjoy a tasty dinner provided I live within the rules I’ve set for myself: “Don’t eat like an asshole most of the time, so that I can some of the time.”

Food is fuel. View and appreciate it for what it is. You’ll reach your goals far more efficiently when you understand this.

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