The back end value makes the investment a no brainer.
“The front end value of a S&C program is enhanced strength, speed, power, & resilience.
The back end value, which I believe to be more important, is the development of discipline, commitment, and a positive association with an activity that directly impacts one’s health span.”
-Ray Zingler on X
I read a quote the other day by Peter Attia that was incredible:
“Even if exercising did not add ONE SINGLE HOUR to your lifespan, it would still be worth it because of the benefits to your health span.”
You see in the modern world with modern medicine (that I assure you I am grateful for) we can remedy ailments and disease much more effectively than we did just several decades ago.
Therefore, despite our population becoming collectively unhealthier our lifespan averages aren’t plummeting.
And when you look at the standard American diet and lifestyle, “not plummeting” is a monumental win.
But here is what we don’t consider.
Just because we can keep people alive, longer, doesn’t mean we are increasing the health span of those people.
If we keep grandma alive to 90, but her health span only lasted her until 68, we are thankful to give her a hug and kiss for those extra 22 years but are we considering her quality of life during the 4th quarter?
As Peter continues in his incredible work ‘Outlive’, “Exercise is the single most important longevity drug we have.”
There is no superfood, pill from the doctor, or apple cider vinegar elixir, that carries or will ever carry (likely in our lifetimes, at least) the benefits of exercise.
Yet knowing this inarguable information, we still commoditize training with a professional.
To maximize quality of life, exercise, and exercising properly isn’t a good idea.
It’s required. You literally must do it to maximize your health span.
This is why I am such a monumental advocate for exposing our kids to exercise and teaching them the right way to do it.
Of course, I can increase their strength, speed, power, resilience, and athletic performance right now. I’ve been doing it over a decade without a single case (of thousands) not improving under my direction.
When you use a physics-based approach and people buy in, and you hold them accountable not improving is really hard.
But I am playing a much different game with these kids.
Yes, I care about the here and now, I do.
But what can positively associating with this “training thing” do for them decades down the road?
It can quite literally change the trajectory and quality of their existence.