Great, Good, Indifferent, Or Bad, They Will Put You In The Same Box, Initially

You get out of it is by focusing on overdelivering on the intangibles.

You get out of it is by focusing on overdelivering on the intangibles.

“You can be the best at what you do.

You can know it, too.

But it doesn’t matter because consumers don’t know, initially.

They put you in the same box as everyone else who looks like they do what you do.

You get out of the box by focusing on the intangibles.”

-Ray Zingler on X

When I first started out in business, I was so confused (imagine that).

I was building out these incredibly effective programs rooted in science.

I had tangible proof that what I was doing was working damn well.

I was tracking all the metrics and data. I evolved what worked and got rid of what didn’t.

Beyond implementing a sound, solid program, I was studying like a mad man on the side continuing my education. Not some of the time, but every single day of my life.

And lastly and what I believe to be most important I was highly focused on client experience, ensuring I was deeply engaging with all members, parents, families, excitedly going to games, sponsoring events, and volunteering (a ton) of my time for free.

To say it was a “full time job” would be a lie. I had 40 hours of work done by Wednesday at lunch.

It was and, in many ways, still is a Sunday-Sunday around the clock love affair.

I’m not complaining about it, just telling it like it is.

I recognize when you’re trying to the best in the world at what you do, tremendous sacrifices aren’t encouraged, they are the prerequisite to give yourself a chance. They are the ticket to simply get into the arena.

But as I got into year 3, year 5, year 7, I started to notice the amount of garbage littered all over our industry.

There are people everywhere who aren’t providing sound programming. Hell, there are many out there prescribing outright WRONG, programming. They aren’t studying, growing, doing any of the extras.

These are weekend warriors treating what I am (literally) bleeding for as a part time hobby with a few cones sprinkled around a patch a turf as they brand themselves strength coach or performance trainer.


That’s what I am. How dare these charlatans brand themselves the same thing as me when I pour into this thing to earn the title.

This is when I realized..

It doesn’t matter how good you are.

The best of the best and the worst of the worst are going to be thrown in the same dusty box by the general consumer.

That’s just the way it is.

Overdeliver intangible value, anyway.

You’ll outlast the phonies 100 times out of 100.

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