We Are Applying An Immense Amount Of Pressure To The Wrong Things In Education

The statistics are inarguably clear about it, too.

The statistics are inarguably clear about it, too.

“We’ve got kids convinced that an SAT score or getting into a certain college (with a biased acceptance process) is somehow going to affect their success or failure in life.


Success is a product of service, strategic effort, & the value you add to the marketplace.”

-Ray Zingler on X.

I know some will read my take and assume I’m implying that education is unimportant. I get it. I’ve been writing on the internet long enough to understand criticism and misinterpretation are everywhere.

It is frustrating though because I do believe lifelong, open ended, all-encompassing education to be a major pillar and contributor to success.

Now I can’t say the same for the 100+ year old government directed & manipulated schooling model that we continue to use today, but that’s a topic for a different time.

The reason “schooling” is dangerous is because we put kids in boxes.

We lead them to believe that if they don’t get this grade or get into this school, that it in some way can negatively impact their chances at success in life.

It’s the craziest thing in the world.

A math grade, SAT score, or going or not going to <insert state school> is going to jeopardize their overall success in life?

Huh? We continue to push this narrative on them?

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not encouraging bums in the classroom and I think everyone should do their dead level best to score the highest they can.. but to tie their identities to an arbitrary number on a standardized test or hold a school(s) with biased acceptance processes over their heads as if in the grand scheme of things it has any real impact on their lives sounds like an immense amount of unnecessary pressure to me.

We’re still living in the stone age when it comes to the reality of the way our current world operates for no other reason than we need to ‘sound the part’ at the dinner party when a stranger you don’t even care about asks how your kid is doing a dinner party.

I understand there are few occupations that “need” that degree from “that school” (medical, law, teaching, etc.), but the fact of the matter is only 27% of people with degrees have a job related to their major. 27%.

It’s time we stop pushing the old, broken narrative.

Success is a product of selfless service, strategic effort (to a skill or craft), and the value you add to the marketplace.

It’s time we start teaching that in the school hall.

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