Relational Depth Is A Premium

Now more than ever in an impersonal world.

Now more than ever in an impersonal world.

“Relational depth is a premium in the modern world.

Digitizing interaction helps speed, but hinders depth.

Truly giving a sh*t and working to develop trust so that you can building quality relationships and richly impact people in the marketplace is a skill that is dying.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

I love technology as much as anybody, and I’m certainly not one of these minimalists who is going to be throwing my phones away anytime soon.

However, I do recognize that in our modern day and age, having access to the convenience of on the go, RIGHT NOW communication comes with a cost. And that cost is relational depth.

We’ve always had the same 24 hours, right? But why is it that with even more convenience and speed in our every day lives than ever before, we seem to have less time than ever?

It’s because despite having the “time”, we’re able to fill our time much more rapidly with the on the go communication, social media apps, streaming platforms, and etc.

We quite frankly don’t know how or want to get off the surface with people anymore and it’s happening to us right in front of our eyes without us even noticing.

For those paying attention though, recognizing this allows us to actively make the choice to break the robotic behavioral cycles we are being programmed to operate within.

It allows us to recognize that because so many are operating on the surface there is a massive premium on depth.

Taking the time to get off the surface and take actual interest in the lives of others is such a differentiated concept these days that if you take the time to actually do it, you will see how rapidly you’re able to make a difference in the lives of others.

And when you make a real, tangible difference in the lives of others, not only are you helping and leading others, you’re fulfilling your own purpose.

Get off the surface the fruit is beneath it.

Moreso, now than ever before.

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