Actions Beat Even The Greatest Of Thoughts

"It's about that action, boss." -Marshawn Lynch

“It’s about that action, boss.” -Marshawn Lynch

“The highest achievers are rarely smarter or have better resources than their lower achieving counterparts.

The biggest differentiator between the two is sustained action.

There are a lot of smart people who are unsuccessful.

Actions drive success, not thoughts.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

It’s not to say that intelligence and resources don’t matter, of course they do. Nor is it to say that being born further along the base path doesn’t come with its (potential) advantages.

The point I’m making is simple:

Winners will win and losers will lose.

It’s because at the root of winning and losing is a mindset that brings winning or losing to fruition.

Winner’s mindset: “I will act. I will learn. I will grow.”

Loser’s mindset: “There are too many road blocks. It’s too hard. Life is unfair.”

Now you see the above mindsets have absolutely nothing to do intelligence, resources, or your family’s socioeconomic status.

They have everything to do with your desire to win or lose.

But the kicker is that the action behind the desire is what actually creates the winner or the loser.

See a lot of people think they want to be winners, but they are unwilling to do what winning asks for. This is when they start blaming the system and life for being unjust. These are flagship qualities of the loser.

There is a dude out there today pulling a makeshift landscape trailer with a manually pedaled bicycle making it happen and there is a dude out there with daddy’s truck and trailer hooked up ready to mow and blow, who won’t get off his ass and work because he’s “tired”.

It’s “I can because x” vs. “I can’t because y”.

The problem with the modern world is that we have so much access to information and we live on applications that cause those lacking will power to constantly compare themselves to others.

These are the main drivers of inaction and complacency. It’s the very definition of paralysis by analysis.

I built my first business with every disadvantage in the book.

I had an in-person, service business in my home.

I didn’t have the intelligence, assistance, business coaching, a sign, a website, or even the square footage to “make it”.

Fortunately, though, for me, I didn’t know this at the time.

I naively kept my head down pushing the plow and serving.

My disadvantages were actually my advantages, but no business guru would have told you that.

Think less. Do more.

“It’s about that action, boss.” -24

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