Real Leadership Requires You To Walk The Walk

Do you talk about it? Or are you about it? The proof is in your actions.

Do you talk about it? Or are you about it? The proof is in your actions.

“Words are great & have their place, but there is no greater form of leadership than leadership by example.

A lot of people talk about it, sometimes.

Few people are about it, all the the time.

If you want to be an effective leader, prove it.

Proof is in your actions, not your words.”

-Ray Zingler on Twitter

If you have followed @Zingler_Strength for any length of time on social media you can probably tell I like to write.

It may even be annoying to some, but I really like to put my thoughts and ideas into words and then project them publicly (fully recognizing I am opening myself up to judgement and criticism, each time I click the post button) in an effort to add value to a select few who may be able to leverage value from the content.

I do this every single day.

I do it because I recognize the more I “spin the wheel” the more opportunities I have to help people. This is important to me because I truly believe leading others to be the most valuable concept of life.

But I ask myself, what if all I did was write? What if all I did was sit behind a desk, hammer the hell out of a keyboard and post it on the internet?

Sure, there might be value in some of the words and there is some value in the discipline required to write everyday (it’s real work to do it consistently) but I recognize I would quite literally be the definition of “talking the talk, but not walking the walk.”

This is also why I post daily training content as well, not only of my athletes (whose performance, growth in life, and accolades mean far more to me than my own) but of myself training.

It’s not because I want others to be inspired by work out apparel or my gym equipment, it’s because I want to share on a platform that most people live on (internet/social media) that I walk the walk. Every day.

I’m not “the best” at social media. My strategy could probably be better, but as I am closing in on 6,000 posts whether somebody likes, loves, dislikes, or hates my content, one would be hard pressed to say “that guy doesn’t give a shit about what he does.”

And if they do, that’s not who I am gearing my work towards, anyway.

I am doing it for the ones who entrust me to lead them in real life.

Because if I am going to lead them to do it, damnit I better do it.

Every day.  

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